
Readers note: Today begins a weekly series examining the many reasons we can “count it all joy” as instructed in the Book of James (James 1:2). Each week, the focus here will be on examining and discussing why and how we can count it all joy no matter what our circumstances. We look forward to your comments and spiritual insight as we move through this series together.

REASON # 1: You can count it all joy because you are not finished yet!

That’s correct—you are a work in progress. You are under construction by the Master Architect and General Contractor. Every day that you wake up brings you that much closer to perfection. In fact, if you are a believer in Jesus Christ, the Bible specifically indicates that “He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:6 NKJV).

What does this mean in practice for you?

First, it means that you should stop beating yourself up about your own failures and shortcomings. Admit that you are not perfect, but in progress and then let go.

Second, acknowledge and embrace the work God is doing in you. Reach out and allow His Love, Mercy and Faithfulness to penetrate your being.

Third, follow His work orders. God has a Master plan for your life—one that only He can reveal and fulfill. Your part is to accept that plan and follow it.

Fourth, be grateful and…..relax. Thank Him for continuously working on you. We are to simply rest in the knowledge that God will supply everything we need to fulfill our destiny (Philippians 4:19 NKJV).

Do you take joy that you are still under construction? How do you put that into practice in your own life? Please share you comments and thoughts.

Be Blessed!

2 thoughts on “

    1. He started the work and He is faithful to finish it.Take courage that we have a patient and loving God who is working out all things together for our good.

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